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Proactive Mental Wellness Platforms

Proactive, gender-based mental fitness solutions via HeChangedIt, SheChangedIt and TheyChangedIt. Using tailored content, self-guided courses and peer supported online and anonymous groups.

The Problem

Globally mental health issues are on the rise.

The struggle to compete, achieve and simply get-by affects all of us at home and in the workplace.

As a result the global mental health market is currently estimated to be worth around $383b and reach up to $538b in the next 15 years.

0 k
Suicide deaths in the US in 2022
0 m
attempted suicides
0 +
days lost to depression & anxiety per employee per year
$ 0 T
business revenue lost per year
$ 0 b
Spent on depressive disorders annually in the US
$ 0 b
direct expenditures for anxiety disorders annually in the US
$ 0 b
estimated global mental health market size by 2030

The Role of Gender

“Providing supportive working conditions for everyone requires mainstreaming gender into all aspects related to health, safety, wellbeing […] by recognizing that physical and psychosocial factors affect people differently depending on their gender identity.” Source:

  • Men are less likely to seek mental health services due to social norms that discourage help-seeking behaviour.
  • Women face specific challenges related to gender-based violence and discrimination that impacts mental health and psychological safety.

Non-binary people or those from the 2SLGBTQI+ community face many social challenges related to acceptance,  understanding, and belonging.


Proactive Mental Wellness Solutions

Founded in 2019 WeChangedIt (WE), is a leader in the mental health and wellness sector with a focus on peer support for health promotion.

WeChangedIt (WE) delivers a unique suite of gender sensitive platforms that are designed to help anyone facing mental health or wellness challenges.

Live and Upcoming features


“Online social media provide a powerful vehicle to redefine social ties and reshape individual views of conformity and normality” Source:

  • Options for anonymous use within certain sections of the app
  • Broad range of tools including self-help techniques, self-directed courses, peer support forums, and both original and collated content libraries
  • Interactive engagement with peer-reviewed and original content including upvoting
  • Options for synchronous and asynchronous ephemeral engagement
  • Taken together, these cooperative functions and features help promote a healthy peer support community

Friends of WE


Randy Garrett


Candace Chisholm


Joel Day


Randy Garrett


Candace Chisholm


Joel Day


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